Dreamgrave: Monuments EP Review

Dreamgrave are a Progressive, Gothic and Neoclassical Metal band from Budapest, Hungary. The band consists of Dömötör Gyimesi (vocals, guitars), Mária Molnár (vocals), Tamás Tóth (drums), Krisztina Baranyi (violin) and Péter Gilián (bass).

When I put the Monuments EP on, I was thinking that this was going to be a good EP. As I done some research on the band, such as who was in the band and what genre they are. When I noticed that they are a Progressive Gothic Metal band, I was sold, but when they said that they are also are a Neoclassical metal band as well, I was like OH, I can hear those genres, when I was listening to the EP.

After I listened to the EP on several occasions, I have come to really like this band and what they have created on the Monuments EP. The first track off this three song EP, is Drop The Curtain, this might start off slow but it picks up, and is very atmospheric in the vocals provided by Mária and Dömötör, and with the rest of the band playing some amazing instruments, this song is perfect.

Monuments is up next, at first I wasn’t sure where this song was going, when I first heard the intro, as it had that 1940 ‘s vibe to vocals, but when the guitars kicked in I knew that they were just setting up for a brilliant Goth Metal track with some amazing guitars, whether they were distorted/clean electric or brilliant acoustic guitars. There was some brilliant violins on this song which gave the song a slight folk vibe to it.

The last off the EP is The Passing Faith in Others, this has to be my favourite song by Dreamgrave as this has that Goth vibe going all the way through it, and it has a dark and brooding vibe which I love. Mária‘s vocals throughout this track are amazing.

I must admit that I have become a major fan of Dreamgrave, and I would highly recommend that you go and check them out on their Facebook page.

I would give Dreamgrave and the Monuments EP a 5 out of 5 for a brilliant atmospheric EP, keep up the good work.

Project Metal Music

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